Cycling Talk at Putney Clinic

The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy are hosting an evening o talks for cyclists. They will be covering all aspects of injury prevention and how to boost your performance on the bike.

Registration starts at 18.30 with the first talk starting at 19.00. Refreshments will be provided. There will be an opportunity for a Q&A session.

We will be joined by:

  • Dr Courtney Kipps MRCGP MSc Sports Med on ‘Common Injuries in Cycling and Running’
  • Clive D Lathey D.O. MSc Sports Med on ‘8 Common Cycling Injuries and How to Avoid Them’
  • Kalpesh Parekh BSc (Hons) MCSP on ‘Core and Cycling Performance
  • Steve James from local BID Business Velosport on ‘The Benefits of a Bike Fit’.

This event is open to the general public, due to limited space, booking is esstnail. To reserve your place, book through eventbrite: