Source2Putney 24hr Run charity challenge

Come and be part of the final leg of a 24hr relay that starts from the Thames Path source in Kemble and finishes at Putney Bridge. To start promptly at 9.30am on Sunday 11th June.
We want to involve EVERYONE of all ages (including 4 legged ones!) to run/walk with the relay runners for the last leg from Hammersmith Bridge to Putney Bridge, 4km. This charity fundraiser is for MIND mental health awareness and support.

All finhishers can celebrate in a wonderful Putney hospitality establishment!

If you think you can take on more of the challenge then please enter for the 24hr relay! 5 x 5km runs with runners needing to clock sub 25mins for 5km, this is so we hit our 24hr target. This will start at 10am in Kemble, Cirencester on Saturday 10th June.

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