An original one man show written and performed by Kevin Martin Murphy. This dark comedy, set on the 15-year anniversary of the apocalypse tackles themes of isolation, late-stage capitalism and purpose.
The Host interviews himself, reads letters from the past and takes the audience through bizarre ‘time filling’ segments throughout the intense hour. The rants are interspersed with physical theatre segments that give an insight into the mental state of The Host versus the ‘Presenter’ persona.
The Host treats his audience as his ‘Dear Listeners’ and attempts to inspire them to rebuild the world to his liking. We follow the development of this character through isolation and the echo chambers of his own thoughts as he learns to carve out his own sense of purpose.
The Host is an amalgamation of every rant, comment and tirade we see on social media, condensed into one vessel who controls the airwaves of the apocalypse.
The world is becoming increasingly absurd: war, political tensions and crisis after crisis are never-ending. This piece is here to remind us that there is always hope if we rebel against this absurdity. Kevin hopes you leave the show thinking about the impact one person can have on the injustices in the world.
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