Wandsworth Arts Theatre – PINCHY THEATRE IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MADGE

Samuel Pepys called her ‘a mad, conceited, ridiculous woman’. Virginia Woolf said her plays were ‘intolerable’. They all called her ‘Mad Madge’. We’d call her Margaret Cavendish.

Born 1623. A prolific writer. A casual scientist and self-proclaimed philosopher. Duchess of Newcastle.

Her plays were never performed in her lifetime. To make up for it, we’re giving Madge her own one-woman musical.

Performed by Anna Hale, and written by duo Clare Packham and Fintan Kealy, ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Madge’ is a new one-woman musical, where stand-up meets manifesto.

Part of Wandsworth New Writing Festival.

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