Tuesday 26th -Saturday 30th September 2023
Main Stage: 7.45pm
Matinee, Saturday 30th September: 3pm
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most celebrated Sherlock Holmes story gets a gloriously funny makeover:
When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on his estate, with a look of terror still etched on his face, and the paw prints of a gigantic hound beside his body, the great detective Sherlock Holmes is summoned from Baker Street, with Dr Watson in tow, to unravel the mysteries surrounding his death, and investigate the ancient curse of the Hound of the Baskervilles…
Packed full of the verbal and visual ingenuity that hit comedy team Peepolykus is known for, and offering abundant opportunities for silly comedy and slapstick, this barking spoof is all set to be a howling success.
In association with Nick Hern Books.
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