Putney Mumpreneurs: Bring Your Business/Product to Life through Photography

Putney Mumpreneurs is a local networking group held in my home in Putney where we provide a fantastic and talented guest speaker, networking and a delicious lunch! This is open to men and women and parents and non-parents. Its a very supportive group for local entrepreneurs who would like to learn a bit more about how to grow and develop their businesses in a friendly and informal format.

Aneesa, Founder of Aneesa Photography is coming to share with Putney Mumpreneurs the Inside tips from a top professional photographer on Thursday 15 March 2018.

Aneesa is an accredited portrait photographer specialising in Fine Art Newborn & Family and Business & Web photography .

Aneesa’s talk will include:

• How to take better instagram shots for your business
• Understanding composition angles and background
• Tips on DSLR v’s Android Cameras and Images
• Understanding resolution better, When does it matter most?
• Using on-phone tools to crop and edit your images better
• Q&A about photography tips that might help your business more

Aneesa is a committed mother, conflict mediator, and school governor, who has spent 13 years working with children and teenagers suffering from a variety of complex mental health challenges. She is highly experienced when it comes to managing people from all walks of life, she brings a refreshing burst of creative energy to every shoot, turning even the most self-conscious participant into a camera-ready work of art.

£35 per person: includes networking, lunch, and refreshments.

No refunds offered but if you would prefer a friend to come in your place just let us know!

For more details please contact Emily on 07956 235 248 or emily@dancegrooves.dance

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