Join us at Women’s Enterprise Day – the borough’s biggest celebration of female entrepreneurship – for a fascinating day of inspiring talks, 1-1 business advice sessions, panel discussion and motivational workshops, designed to help you unleash your potential.
Hosted by Rebecca Burn-Callander, former enterprise editor, The Daily Telegraph, this event provides the opportunity for you to; amplify your skills, network with your peers and hear from a range of successful guest speakers, who will share the highs and lows of their start-up journeys and reveal practical tips for growing your business while finding work/life balance.
Wellbeing themed workshops will focus on – How to make changes to improve your digital wellbeing, time management and positive thinking to improve your mindset, whilst the HSBC small business team will be running 1-1 business advice sessions throughout the day.
Ticket includes: breakfast refreshments, all talks, 1-1 business advice sessions, , lunch, tea/coffee, all workshop materials. Tickets *£22.00-£30.00 *Early Bird.
For more info and to book visit
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