Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day on Thursday 20th June will see schools, hospitals, workplaces and communities across the UK running events which inspire people to take simple steps to protect their health from air pollution.

Follow our #PutneyPledge online campaign on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as we talk about air pollution, what you can do to protect your health and what steps you can take to help clean up our air.

We will be hitting the streets of Putney encouraging residents and businesses to make a pledge to avoid toxic air and cut down on the pollution we make.

The good news is that air pollution is solvable and there are simple steps we can all take. Here are some examples of changes you can make:

Make cleaner travel choices

  • Give your car a day off – whenever possible walk, cycle or take public transport to work or school or, better still, work at home.
  • Discover the side streets – use quieter streets when you’re on a bike or on foot to avoid polluted main roads.
  • Go electric – there are lots of ways you can travel electric. Hire an electric car, taxi or test drive an electric vehicle today.
  • Don’t idle – if you drive, turn off your engine when your vehicle is stationary (if it’s safe to do so).

Make cleaner air decisions in the home

  • Ventilate your home – open windows and use extractor fans when cooking or using cleaning products, but close windows near busy roads during rush hours.
  • Use fragrance-free and milder cleaning products.
  • Have your boiler serviced regularly.

To get involved in Clean Air Day, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also learn more about how air pollution could be impacting you and your family’s health by visiting

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