The Lovely Bones at Putney Arts Theatre

Susie Salmon is 14 years old. She is also dead. She was brutally murdered by a neighbour. When she arrives in her Heaven she can have anything she desires except to be alive again. She is determined with or without the help of her Intake Counsellor Franny, to do anything she can to help her family through their grief and identify her killer. She watches helplessly as her family fall apart and her brother and sister grow up without her. Can she get revenge for her death from her place in heaven?

Alice Sebold’s novel The Lovely Bones has been a bestseller throughout the world and the 2009 film, directed by Peter Jackson starring Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci, Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz and Susan Sarandon won a number of international awards.

Bryony Lavery is a British playwright whose plays performed at the National Theatre include Frozen (2002), Treasure Island (2014) and at the Bridge Theatre, La Belle Sauvage (2019).

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