Putney Mumpreneurs: 6 Secret Steps to Marketing Planning Success

Putney Mumpreneurs is a local networking group held in my home in Putney where we provide a fantastic and talented guest speaker, networking and a delicious lunch! This is open to men and women and parents and non-parents. Its a very supportive group for local entrepreneurs who would like to learn a bit more about how to grow and develop their businesses in a friendly and informal format.

Putney Mumpreneurs are very excited that Susan is joining us on Thurday 28 June 2018 for the last talk and lunch before we break up for the summer!

Susan is a business growth specialist who works with business owners in small/medium size businesses to help them achieve from their business (and their life) what they set out to do. Susan has a passion for business and some great ideas about how to grow your business so it can run without you … this rather appealed so we are delighted that Susan is coming to speak to Putney Mumpreneurs for our last talk before the summer holidays begin!

Susan’s talk will include:

  • Corner stones to ensure control in your business
  • 5 ways to increase your profits
  • How to build a business so it can work without you.

Most business owners start their business with real passion and with an aim of having greater control in their lives, more time to do the things they want to do and more money to enjoy.  However the reality often proves very different.  Her passion is working with business owners to make their dreams a reality as she knows they can be.

A chartered accountant by profession, Susan believes that while numbers are the language of business, they are not the be all and end all.    Many businesses have the same challenges and by understanding and focusing on certain areas, you can eliminate chaos, bring control and deliver stable growth.  She is looking forward to sharing some of her thoughts and revealing some top tips with us!

£35 per person includes networking, lunch and refreshments.

Please book in advance as places are limited.

No refunds once booked, but we are happy for you to transfer ticket to a friend, just let us know!


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