Storytime – Best of July Picture Books

Come along to our bi-weekly storytimes! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30am one of our children’s booksellers will read you two wonderful stories from the latest and best picture books that month!

One of these will be our Putney Picture Book of the Month, which, if you like it enough to buy it, will get you a FREE drink from our Café!

This month’s Putney Picture book of the Month: ‘Mavis the Bravest’ by Lu Fraser and illustrated by Sarah Warburton. Beautifully written by the author of the beloved Littlest Yak series, this is the heartwarming and laugh-out-loud funny story of a scaredy-chicken finding her brave, full of rhyming twists and turns and cosy colourful illustrations, it’s the perfect way to start your day!

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