Summer of Sport at the Putney Exchange

Bringing fun to the school holidays, Putney Exchange Shopping Centre is gearing up to host a series of free sport-themed activities throughout the summer.

Kicking off on Saturday 29 June the events begin with football freestyler performances, showcasing impressive tricks and tips. The following Saturday, 6 July, features interactive show ‘Anyone for Tennis’, serving up musical and comedy performances roaming around the centre.

The activities continue weekly throughout the summer holidays, celebrating an assortment of sports. Staring on Tuesday 23 July, ‘Terrific Tuesday’ workshops include art and craft sessions where kids can design a football shirt, learn ways to stay healthy and create their own medals.

‘Super Saturdays’ workshops begin on 27 July, featuring a series of sports day style activities. Shoppers can enjoy classic games including sack races, dribbling practice and bean bag toss.

“We know how hard it can be to keep little ones entertained in the school holidays, so we have created a series of free events for families to enjoy throughout the summer.”

For more details and to see the Summer of Sport events line-up visit

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3, Putney High Street, London, England, SW15 1TW, United Kingdom