Summer Stroll & Treasure Hunt Quiz

The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (RHN) has created a brand NEW sponsored walk on Sunday 15 September 2019 across Wimbledon Common.

Along the route there will be a treasure hunt quiz where you have the chance to win prizes! The five mile walk will start and finish on the grounds of the RHN and your registration fee of £10 includes drinks, snacks and a light lunch.

Family, friends and dogs welcome!

Sign up here

Why walk for charity?
Brain injury affects over a million people in the United Kingdom each year and can result from a range of causes including medical emergencies such as a stroke, heart or asthma attack, or through unfortunate accidents or injuries such as a fall down the stairs, allergic reaction, road traffic accident or sports injury but to name a few.

Unfortunately the severity of the injury has left the majority of the patients at the RHN unable to walk, talk and live their normal life. We aim to provide a beacon of hope for patients and their families offering practical and emotional support.

As we are a medical charity, separate from the NHS, we need funds from voluntary donations to raise money for rehabilitation services and technologies not usually offered at traditional hospitals – such as leisure and family services, aqua therapy, assistive technology, gardening, therapeutic art sessions and music therapy. These services are proven to improve the patients’ quality of life.

For more information contact the events team at or call 020 8780 4560 or sign up here

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