Join Lytisha as her imagination wanders through a whole host of ideas whilst she takes a journey inside an MRI scan.
She examines the important questions in life: What did Concorde’s nose sound like? Can mental dancing affect a scan? What flavour ice-cream should she have next? All the big questions. Surrounded by the sounds of the scanner we are led on an unexpected journey.
Your journey begins as the receptionist checks you in for your appointment and leads you to the waiting and exhibition area. Then you will be called through to the treatment area, where staff will fit you with a VR headset and headphones. From here the poem will begin. ‘A Journey Inside…’ can be experienced in a lying or seated position.
Your aftercare will include a short questionnaire and the opportunity to contribute to the feedback wall.
MRI’s get a bad press. Not everyone has a negative experience. More information is available at:
Please note: contains flashing images. Ages 13+.
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