Keeping Up Appearances

Vacant units are sadly an increasingly common sight in town centres due to the current changing high street environment. To the general public these sites can often appear unloved when, behind the scenes, there can be planning applications underway, construction and plans for site improvement. This can often be a slow process and, while necessary paperwork and plans are being drawn up, vacant sites sometimes attract vandalism and illegal advertising.

Positively Putney have been working towards brightening-up some of these vacant sites using vinyls installed by a company called City Dressing.

Before and After

The aim of putting up vinyls is to spark ideas for potential high street occupants, reduce maintenance costs by preventing vandalism and illegal advertising and improve the overall aesthetic of the high street. If we can make this area feel loved and cared for people are more likely to continue to use their local town centre which, in turn, encourages new business as Putney continues to be a thriving area. 

The newest addition is Santa’s Post Office. Come down to the old Halfords’ site before the end of the festive season to see your letter to Santa make its way to Lapland. 

The side return of this unit promotes the fantastic range of independent businesses along Lacy road.

While we wish to improve the High Street, Positively Putney do not want to have a negative impact on the environment in doing so. City Dressing agree with us on this.

“All vinyls that are installed are 100% reused (which is better than just recycled). All  products are made into traffic cones which prevents plastic being released into the environment. The amount of product to produce the vinyl is actually minimal, with a shop windows using less plastic than a plastic shampoo bottle as the actual vinyl is very thin. All  vinyls are printed with environmentally friendly inks and by preventing vandalism, environmental impact is also reduced (replacing the glass on a window would create 50% more environmental waste than graphics). Also, by improving the area, people are encouraged to shop local thereby reducing pollution.”

Keep your eyes peeled for new vinyls as they appear.

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