Save Putney High Street Meeting

On Tuesday 24th January, our Executive Director Nicola Grant attended a meeting arranged by a group of local residents that are concerned about the number of vacant units and the increasing number of take away restaurants on Putney High Street.

Thamesfield Councillor Ethan Brooks introduced the meeting, followed by Norroy Road resident Lauren who explained why she had set up the what’s app group and the subsequent public meeting that has resulted.

Nicola described how and why Positively Putney BID was established and what is within their remit to deliver. She also went on to talk about the impact that online shopping, COVID and the recent planning class use changes are having on Putney High Street and all town centres across the country infact! (Full details of the presentation available here)

Robert Arguile, the Chair of Putney Society outlined what they do as an amenity society, how they are concerned with all aspects of the community in Putney & Roehampton. They play a key role in the enhancement and protection of the built environment and open spaces such as parks and commons; transport and community services.

A Putney resident and property consultant, Chris Osmond spoke about the fragmented ownership on Putney High Street and the difficulties that brings.

Finally, Sarah also a local resident presented the initial findings from a short survey that has been circulated about the changes people would like to see in Putney High Street, suggestions of business they would like to see open and also other town centres they choose to visit rather than Putney. The survey has nearly 500 responses already and will be kept open to ensure a broad and diverse range of people have had the chance to comment. The survey can be completed here.

There were questions from the audience which was made up of residents and some Putney business owners. It was an interesting meeting with various views shared.

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