We send out a monthly e-newsletter to businesses and hand deliver a quarterly paper newsletter. To make sure you receive this vital information please provide info@positivelyputney.co.uk with the current email address.
The BID team are regularly out and about meeting with businesses so please do get in touch if you would like to visit our office, or for one of us to come to your premises and discuss projects and services which are relevant to you and your business.
We welcome input and ideas from all levy paying businesses and want to hear of any issues and concerns so that we can continually evolve and adapt according to priorities.
We hold an annual meeting of BID businesses to share what the BID has delivered in the previous financial year and the plans for the next year. This meeting is usually held in June in a hospitality business within the BID area.
Photograph of Nicola Grant presenting at the 2023 Annual Meeting held in Putney Pies.