Marathon 101 Workshop at Physio4Life

Have you got you place in the London Marathon 2019, or any other global marathons next year ? Then your COUNTDOWN has begun!

Save the date and join Physio4Life on Saturday 24 November 2018, where we will be talking on running optimisation and running advice for your training journey towards your marathon!

If you are a seasoned marathon runner or if it’s your first time, remember – running error accounts for 60-70% of your injury risk. Previous injuries are also established risk factors.

Top tip to remember in your training journey – strength and conditioning is a proven risk reducer for running injury, so there is nothing wrong with getting strong.

If it’s prehab, rehab or running analysis you need, our physiotherapists are here to help you avoid any potential injuries in your #londonmarathon prep.

This event is free but there are limited spaces so contact the clinic to book your slot. We have lots of great advice as well as freebies from P4L and partners!

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