Putney Parklets

Since 2017, we have been working with Wandsworth Council on the Putney Improvements project to improve air quality and the aesthetics of Putney town centre. In the BIDs first year of operation we pledged £20,000 towards the project. For a number of reasons the project has been delayed but the bulk of the widening of the footpaths is being undertaken currently and it is looking great.

Just before lockdown we ordered two parklets (official definition below) to be installed which have finally been able to go in this week.

One (photographed above) is on Montserrat Road alongside the Metro bank.


The second is on Felsham Road beyond where the regular fruit and veg stall is located.

The English dictionary definition of a parklet is: “a small seating area or green space created as a public amenity on or alongside a pavement, especially in a former roadside parking space.”

Wikipedia says ” Parklets are intended for people. Parklets offer a place to stop, to sit, and to rest while taking in the activities of the street. A parklet may provide greenery, art, or some other visual amenity.

We think they are a great addition to the Putney streetscape and are for everybody in the community to enjoy, whether they want to buy a take away or a coffee and sit and enjoy it, or just need a rest whilst passing. Please just be mindful of social distancing whilst you use them.


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