Supporting Businesses
Business Services
Information Exchange
We send out a monthly e-newsletter to businesses and hand deliver a quarterly paper newsletter. To make sure you receive this vital information please provide info@positivelyputney.co.uk with the current email address.
The BID team are regularly out and about meeting with businesses so please do get in touch if you would like to visit our office, or for one of us to come to your premises and discuss projects and services which are relevant to you and your business.
We welcome input and ideas from all levy paying businesses and want to hear of any issues and concerns so that we can continually evolve and adapt according to priorities.
We hold an annual meeting of BID businesses to share what the BID has delivered in the previous financial year and the plans for the next year. This meeting is usually held in June in a hospitality business within the BID area.
Photograph of Nicola Grant presenting at the 2023 Annual Meeting held in Putney Pies.

Prefer Putney Card
If your business would like to offer a discount then email marketing@positivelyputney.co.uk for more details. It can help drive extra footfall during a quiet part of the day or week and encourage lunch trade or early evening trade.
All employees of BID levy paying businesses can apply for our Prefer Putney card. This is an employee discount card that can be used in over forty Putney businesses. To sign up for a card click here

Putney Pedals Trade Waste
Partnered with First Mile to work together to increase recycling rates across Putney town centre. Businesses signed up within the BID are entitled to a special discounted price on all First Mile recycling and waste services. With over 25 recycling and waste management services, First Mile can help you to reduce your carbon impact with tailor fit solutions and reliable and flexible collections at a great price.
We offer a unique trade waste collection service by electric bicycle to overcome many of the issues that Putney businesses faced. With support from ReLondon we launched Putney Pedals Recycling on Clean Air Day, 8th October 2020, and partnered with First Mile on 1st April 2022.
How do I sign up? Get in touch with First Mile through the form below
How does it work?
Your waste and recycling is collected from your business premises at a time that suits you. The refuse is then transported by electric bike to a consolidation collection point in Church Square. First Mile will collect all of this waste in a single van during non-peak hours.
The video below shows the bike in action.
Networking & Training
We hold networking events, free to attend, for businesses who are keen to meet with other like-minded business owners. Content-based with time for informal networking afterwards these events create opportunities for businesses to upskill and grow. For future events click here (to training & networking calendar)
Photograph of the Annual Meeting in June 2023 held in Putney pies.

Town Centre Data
In 2022 we partnered with Place Informatics who provide footfall and place data on demographics. We share this with businesses in our quarterly paper newsletters.
In 2023 we commissioned LH analytics to write a report looking at demographics and spend profile of Putney customers to enable us to understand them better.
If BID businesses would like to understand the data further then email Nicola who can provide it for you. Below is the monthly footfall graph shared with businesses in June 2023.

Mystery Shopping
Great customer service helps retain customers. We are keen to help businesses ensure they make the most of every customer interaction.
In May 2023 insight6, one of the country’s leading Customer Experience (CX) organisations mystery shopped 50 Putney businesses. A mystery shop is where a researcher behaves exactly like a customer and visits your business. They then provide a full report on their Customer Experience.
In June 2023 we celebrated excellence in customer service and presented awards to those businesses who had scored highly. For full details on the businesses click here.

Positively Putney provides a strong influential collective voice for approximately 400 businesses. This ensures that businesses are represented and listened to on issues affecting their trading area.
We foster close relationships with local organisations, including Wandsworth Council, Transport for London, the Greater London Authority and our local Member of Parliament to ensure Putney is at the forefront of their mind.
Whether you are looking for help with planning and licensing, tables and chairs licences, business rates, or grants Positively Putney will be able to point you in the right direction.
Photograph of Fleur Anderson, Member of Parliament presenting a customer service award to Allan Fuller.

Community Partner
Being part of the community is important to Positively Putney BID. We continue to build on our relationship with the local schools to encourage them to take pride in Putney town centre and to regularly visit. We organise community planting days, litter picking and business clean up days. We can help businesses organise volunteer days with local charities.
If your business wants to get more involved with the local community we will be able to help.
Photos of groups performing on the Christmas community stage, and during the Coronation litter pick and planting day.

We aim to attract additional investment into Putney from external bodies. Recently we were awarded funding through ReLondon towards the Putney Pedals Trade Waste Scheme, from GLA for Business Climate Challenge and from Wandsworth Council from the King’s Coronation fund.
We work with developers to encourage them to develop their sites with uses that people in Putney want to use. We work with landlords to encourage them to bring in tenants with businesses that will enhance the current offering.
Positively Putney keep a register of vacant units which is updated on a quarterly basis.
New Businesses
Associate Membership
If your business falls just outside the BID boundary or your business rates fall below the threshold then you can opt to become an associate member of Positively Putney BID. The fee will be a proportion of your business rates (as per the way the BID levy is calculated). Your business will then be eligible to some of the services and projects available for BID businesses including
- Access to training and networking Events
- Listing on Positively Putney website and shares on social media
- Discounts on trade waste services
If you are interested in becoming an associate member then please email Nicolagrant@positivelyputney.co.uk.
Putney Pantry are associate members of Positively Putney paying an annual associate fee.

New Businesses
Positively Putney BID welcomes you to Putney town centre. We are delighted that you have chosen Putney for your business and look forward to working with you in creating a trading environment which will help your venture prosper. There is much we can do to help you in understanding the Putney community and in making sure people know about your business. Please email Nicolagrant@positivelyputney.co.uk and she will arrange a meeting with you to discuss all the ways we can help.